
Christmas & the New Year


So, as a Christian nation our values are tested nearly every single day, what with the United Kingdom being called a Muti-National country, we have to uphold our dignity, our proud and our moral fortitude to accommodate all the other religions within this Great Britain of ours.

Christmas for us Brits, is like the last day of The Open, the FA Cup final or the Grand National, they only ever happen one day of the year and they are British through and through.

So when Christmas comes, we embrace it, we cherish it, we protect it and we celebrate it, because it is a Christian British value that requires it.

Christmas is all about family, waking up at stupid O'clock (if you have young kids), watching them open the masses of presents under the Christmas tree as you stand there with sleep in your eyes and a pre made cup of tea in your hands, saying "Wow, that looks awesome" or "Yes, don't worry, I'll put the batteries in later and we can go outside and try it" or better still "Let me get my coat on and I'll stand outside and watch you ride your new bike"

No matter what, Christmas is for the kids, it's the one time of the year we get to truly spoil them, some kids more than others, have probably had a tough year through circumstances that are beyond their control, yet the day comes and their worries and fears dilute, they embrace Christmas day as if it's the greatest day of the year.

Now, I'm only talking about my own experience over the years, spent watching my children grow older each passing year, the excitement on their faces as the descend the stairs, straight to the piles of gifts separated for each child. This year will be our 30th year and my wife and I still see the same response from our kids as if it were the very first year.

It would be a crying shame to see all of this, love, laughter and joy just disappear just because certain people within the UK do not agree with our values, standards and identity as Christians.

We get but one day of the year to celebrate Christmas, whereas other religion's in the UK get many days to celebrate their religious holiday, we accommodate their wishes and allow them to celebrate, yet, when Christians celebrate Christmas, part of our rich culture, we offend those that do not celebrate Christmas.


New Year 2025 will soon be here, there has been quite a few changes to say the least. A new governing body is now in power, that plan to make changes for the better, however after only just over 4 month in power, they have gone against everything they said they would do.

The elderly have been let down, not once but twice, the heating allowance has been stopped and the WASPI woman have been lied to about their pensions, the budget was a total disaster, the working class are getting hit hard with taxes, the farmers Inheritance tax has been affected and the boats are still crossing the Channel.

The USA held their elections and Mr. DJ Trump came out on top, with a landslide victory, what has this to do with the UK? The US have always been our allies and now with talks of going back to the EU, the US will treat the UK with the same respect as the EU, tariffs will be put in place, leaving the working class tax payers to suffer high tax hikes.

I'm not too sure how 2025 is going to play, the new government as been classed as the worst governing body this country has seen since politics were formed, if the trend still continues we will be put back into the dark ages of the 1970's, with no growth and high inflation.

The Reform party are growing in strength, I think 2025 will be the year they actually take over the Labour party in members and popularity, this has got to be a good thing for the country, we cannot possibly go another 4 and bit years with this party and their agendas, they are destroying Great Britain, the people are not happy, something has to change.

What does 2025 hold for the rest of us, well I intend to join the Reform party for a start, I intend to concentrate more on my online business, create more content for my YouTube channel and build my websites to attract more costume. I also intend to work more on my golf to reduce my handicap, last year was good, I'm hoping 2025 will be better.

Whatever you all plan to do for 2025, I hope you all make a success in whatever endeavors you pursue.

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Golf lessons V’s YouTube video’s



So, what do you do about this whole golfing lark?

You tell a friend or close relative that you want to take up the game of golf and the first thing they say is "Get some lessons".

You tell a friend or close relative that you want to take up the game of golf and the first thing they say is "Brilliant, you should check so and so out on YouTube"

Straight away you have conflict with yourself, even before you swing a club, let alone purchase any golfing equipment. Now golf, for anyone that plays this great game, will tell you it is by far one of, if not, the hardest game to master.

There have been but a handful of Professional players that have truly mastered the game of golf, after all this has been their life and their living, so if you happen to get the chance to ask them did they ever take golf lessons, I can guarantee the answer would be "Yes".

All the top Professionals that play the game, all have a personal coach or a teaching Pro, even though they do sometimes change from one coach to another if there is a certain issue with their game.

The advantages of having golf lessons with a qualified instructor are as follows:

  1. You will get one on one tuition from a qualified golf instructor, with instant feedback.
  2. You will be charged for that slot, this could range from different prices.
  3. The timed slot could last from a 30 to a 45 minute lesson or up to an hour.
  4. On course lessons can also be given.
  5. Video analysis can also be given to track your progress.
  6. The instructor can literally get hands on with the student, putting them in the correct position.
  7. The instructor can also give advice on golfing equipment, fitting and repairs.
  8. The instructor can also teach etiquette, sportsmanship, patience, rules, dress codes and anything golf related.

There are some disadvantages to taking lessons:

  1. When you first start out learning all there is to know about the game, lessons can work out quite expensive.
  2. It could take you quite a long time to just learn the basics of the game, again, expense is an issue.
  3. You need to find the right qualified instructor, that aligns with your goals.
  4. You need to be consistent with your lessons.
  5. Stick with the same instructor, switching could cause confusion.

The advantages of watching YouTube instructional video's:

  1. They are more often than not FREE.
  2. You can subscribe to any channel and get the latest video direct to your phone, tablet or laptop.
  3. You don't need to book a lesson.
  4. No travel cost, if you have a large garden and a net you can practice there.
  5. There's plenty of YouTube golf instructors on the platform, you can watch one or more.
  6. There is no time limit to watching the video's, play the video over and over.

There are however some disadvantages to YouTube golfing video's:

  1. There is no interaction between the instructor and the person watching the video.
  2. There is no physical contact, to correct any errors.
  3. You must have a Wi-Fi or internet connection.
  4. There's so many golfing tuition video's on the platform that some may conflict or confuse, if you let them.

My personal advice would be to seek out a top golf teaching Pro in your area. Yes, you are looking at spending your money for a service, but it would be money well spent, especially if you are just starting out and you're serious about the game.

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My life as a ‘Wife Of’

My life as an Army wife, by Jackie Thompson (ex 'wife of')

This was sixteen years of my life, where sacrifices were made and identity was lost for a while, as anyone married to a service person knows you become ‘wife of’ or ‘husband of’ the serving personnel.

1994 - Colchester, UK

I moved away from home to a Garrison town down south, my only reference for what life may be like in the military, was watching Soldier, Soldier on the TV as Robson and Jerome made it look so much fun!!!! Reality was interesting.

It is such a lonely existence especially when you have kids already and your new hubby is away on exercise, duty or tour.

I made one real friend in that time who I still talk to now but life consisted of school runs, housework, dinner then repeat. A lot of calls home to mum and just trying to adjust.

Hubby was established in Colchester and just expected me to crack on and get on with those around me, not really considering what a huge life shift it was, so many arguments, packing and unpacking while we figured it all out.

1996 - Northern Ireland

Ballykelly, Northern Ireland.

OMG, what a nightmare place north of Northern Ireland near Londonderry, living in a small village with a coal fire and nothing around for miles. If you tried to sell me this now I would say sounds perfect but back then was tough.

No support, just had to toughen up and get on with it as a mum of 3 this was no easy task but I was not the only one and some wives did form groups that helped to get us all through.

Biggest memory for me of this place was going shopping in Londonderry with some other ‘wives of’ and when at the checkout I spoke, my English accent was heard and I was spat on by the checkout girl, so needless to say did not go back there again, as it was not safe for us.

Lisburn, Northern Ireland next, complete contrast to Ballykelly. We were accepted here much more, however, security measures were tight. Having to check under the car before I used it to make sure there were no bombs underneath with a long mirror was quite sobering and avoiding areas of Belfast that were not safe for us. This was not an easy place for the oldest children they were bullied here which was not easy for them or us as parents.

Couldn’t find a job because of the kids and childcare, so I started taking in ironing from a local businessman who laundered clothes and had several women he would drop bags of clothes of to iron and would collect the next day. Kept that going for a few years 30-40 shirts hanging in my kitchen on a daily basis but bought in some extra pennies to help us out.

1999 - Canada

Ralston Village, Canada,

My favourite posting, so many firsts and so many amazing experiences for us all as a family. This was where my career started to get back on track, no more ironing for me. I was given a great opportunity to be the General Fund Fleet Clerk.

This job gave me so many skills that I grew and developed. I would be hiring out the minibuses, jet skis and lodge at Canmore to the soldiers and their families. I collected the money from all of the barracks laundry rooms counted and processed it.

I drove 15 seater minibuses to get serviced in the local town Medicine Hat which was about 48kms from our village, during all weather, my confidence grew and grew in my abilities and this was the job that made me realise that I could achieve more than I thought.

Just to add to Canada we travelled and experienced so much and all of us as a family learnt how to play Ice Hockey which was pretty amazing.

2001 - Germany

Rheindhalen, Germany.

This was a tough move we all wanted to stay in Canada but it wasn’t meant to be so off to Germany we went. My work experience from Canada assisted me greatly in securing my next position as ARRC Support Battalion Chief Clerk.

I was running the admin office alongside the military chief clerk to ensure all soldiers personal and financial details were accurate and communicating with soldiers and their families. Preparing documents for exercises and tours and ensuring that everything was in order for the soldiers.

Bergen Belsen, North Germany.

I managed to get a position here as the Information Communication Service (ICS) clerk. This job was based around all of the IT programs and infrastructure for 7 Armoured Brigade a Garrison of approximately 3,000 soldiers.

Here I developed my IT skills hugely, starting as clerical support I then became an administrator for the system and conducted training for soldiers on the new IT systems.

I assisted the ICS Manager with a project which completely changed over the current equipment, infrastructure and software to a new one, this was a huge project which I was really proud to be part of. This is where I realised that I could achieve anything I set my mind to.

Still at 7 Armoured Brigade I was offered the chance to be Hohne Garrison Chief Clerk, this was a great chance for me to manage the other clerical staff within the Garrison and add this valuable skill to my CV. I loved this job my team were exceptional and all ‘wives of’ just like me.

I was known across Hohne, Fallingbostel and Celle which is where the Garrison stretched over and was often at all of these sites on a regular basis for meetings, audits and communications with families and soldiers alike.

2011 - Return to UK

We moved back to UK for family reasons and my god was I in for a shock. I was so good at my job in Germany, so well thought of and I think to a degree I thought you know what anyone in the West Midlands will be lucky to have me with my skills, however, the reality was very different.

No one understood what I had been doing and for the most part all of my experience in different countries doing different jobs for the British Army was not really taken into consideration. I went for months, application after application, interview after interview, with nothing but rejection.

I felt so despondent and useless I started to doubt myself and my abilities and I couldn’t understand why no one would give me a chance to show what I was capable of.

Then the call came from REED recruitment asking if I would like to have a chat about an Office Manager position they had available in their Birmingham office, of course I was delighted and excited but also wary of it due to constant disappointments.

Two interviews later I was hired and was given everything I needed in a job that challenged me, I created the role and trained others around the country to be great Office Managers, I was so proud and I was pushed to keep growing and keep learning and I spent 10 years as the Office Manager until Covid hit.

I was given a secondment during this time by REED as an Employment Adviser helping long term unemployed back into work which was something different to anything I had ever done but was also challenging and rewarding.

After this unfortunately, my role was made redundant as an Office Manager so after 11 years it was time to move on from REED.

Next role iCare 24 – nothing to say here, they used me for my experience then cast aside.

I am hopefully now in my forever job as a Heads PA/ Office Manager for a SEN School. The job is amazing, challenges me everyday, there is nothing about this job that I don’t like and the students and staff are great.

Over the years as ‘wife of’ there are not many opportunities for work or a career and I consider myself to have been very lucky to secure the jobs I did which paved the way for my future.

So many husbands and wives have to put their lives and careers on hold to support their spouse who is serving and this is hugely overlooked in civvie street when there are gaps in the CV’s, remember there may not have been work available in the area they were stationed.

The life experience, resilience and determination are great qualities that most military spouses posses but unfortunately not many get the chance to show it. When people think about military they only consider the serving soldiers but the families that follow from country to country, sacrificing friendships, jobs and happiness to support their husband/wife/dad/mum are equally as important and sacrifice a lot too.

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Golf Life Lessons!

  1. Luck doesn't exist
  2. SLOW DOWN. Rediscover your joy
  3. You control what you think. Don't get stuck in your head
  4. Let go, There is another shot waiting for you
  5. Talent is a myth. Be consistent
  6. Practice self love
  7. Reflect often
  8. Practice makes permanent
  9. Breath
  10. Remember the positive "Cs:" clarity, commitment, confidence
  11. Release the negative "Cs:" compare, complain, criticize
  12. Take 100% responsibility
  13. You are AMAZING
  14. Play with your heart
  15. Trust the process
  16. Smile

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My Modern Wealthy update Aug 24

Hello all,

This is just an update as to where I am on my journey with Modern Wealthy, you will get to find out a little bit about my life, my passion, my struggle with money and a couple of tips and hints to follow, if you want to pursue building an online business with Modern Wealthy.

If you are interested or want to build a different life for yourself and your loved ones, then Modern Wealthy should be the path to choose, click the button below to find out more about a system that could change your life forever.


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Green Keeping – The Other Side of Golf – By Mr Jay Hanks


Don't get me wrong I absolutely love being a Green Keeper and I love my job though my day usually starts off by my alarm going off at 03:30 and me thinking oh God here we go again, dragging myself out of bed and drinking copious amounts of coffee to get me through the day.

There's a couple misconceptions that I can't stand, one being you have a real easy job cutting grass all day sat on your backside, I wish! Another being you finish at 13:00 you part timer... We can't all have a cushty 9-5 job... Mum!! I'm only joking, my families very supportive before I get told off after she reads this.

I have actually never been hit by a golf ball until recently (everyone found it hilarious) besides me obviously and once I did my dad said are you finally going to write this blog for me and here I am, yea I guess you can't truly be a green keeper unless you've been hit by a golf ball so yes. Completed mate!

My favourite aspect of the job is no question, that would be an early summer morning, no one around, hearing the birds sing and see the sun rising. I feel very lucky to experience that as much as I have and no matter how many times I experience it I'm always in awe.

Now onto my least favourite aspect of the job, sorry people but that would definitely have to be golfers, ironic isn't it. Not all golfers don't get me wrong, though a lot can really treat you like you're a piece of dirt. On the other hand we had a member here at Wishaw drop off some biscuits for our hard work, that gesture is truly appreciated! I mean donations are welcome I'll accept cash, bank transfer or even check I don't mind.

Green keeping isn't solely about just cutting grass. We have to have a good knowledge of mechanics, science, construction, maths for calibrating chemicals, tree surgery, positioning new holes, mowing the tee boxes and replacing the tee markers, the list is endless and getting asked on the daily "is it going to rain today" we have to be a weatherman, like "erm yes you have a slight chance of rain today, average cloud cover, humidity is at 12%"

It is also a very stressful and dangerous job. On a serious note the suicide rate amongst green keepers is high. Dealing with machinery that could easily severely injure or kill us, threats from golf balls, I've lost count of the injuries I've had over the years doing this job, a broken foot, chopped some of my finger off, and the overall physical toll it's had on my body.

Now don't get me wrong, we mow a lot of grass, in the summer 25 degrees, I'm mowing fairways, earphones in blasting music, in my own little world it's near perfection but flip it to the winter when I'm digging out trenches for drainage, absolutely freezing cold, covered in mud, body killing and I'm seriously questioning my existence.

There's a old saying "you must be mad, to be a green keeper" I don't know any sane green keepers so that must be true.

I don't think green keeping is something you grow up wanting to do, it's a job you kind of fall into, that's certainly what happened to me. My dad was helping out at Calderfields GC and asked if I wanted to come help the team out, that was 13 years ago and the rest is history as they say. So thank you dad for offering me that opportunity and setting me on my way to a career I adore.

Anyway thanks for reading you trucking golfers! I hope this gives you a different perspective on us and appreciate the hard work we do to make the golf course the very best it can be for you to enjoy and not just someone that's in the way as you stand there hands on hips waiting to take your shot!


Green Keeping – The Other Side of Golf – By Mr Jay Hanks Read More »

Investing in yourself, top tips

Investing in yourself is one of the most rewarding and impactful decisions you can make. It involves dedicating time, effort, and resources to improve your skills, knowledge, and overall well-being. Here are some key areas and strategies for investing in yourself:

1. Education and Skill Development

Online Learning-Utilize platforms like Coursera, Udemy, or Khan Academy to learn new skills or deepen your knowledge in specific areas.

Workshops and Seminars - Attend industry-specific workshops, seminars, or conferences to stay updated with the latest trends and network with professionals.

2. Health and Wellness

Physical Health - Invest in a gym membership, regular exercise, and a balanced diet.

Mental Health - Practice mindfulness, meditation, or yoga. Seek therapy or counselling if needed to maintain mental well-being.

Sleep and Rest - Ensure you get adequate sleep and take breaks to avoid burnout.

3. Financial Literacy

Budgeting and Saving - Learn how to manage your finances effectively. Create a budget, save regularly, and invest wisely.

4. Personal Development

Reading - Read books, articles, and journals that inspire you and expand your knowledge.

Hobbies and Interests - Develop hobbies or interests that bring you joy and help you relax.

Goal Setting - Set short-term and long-term goals for personal and professional growth. Regularly review and adjust them as needed.

5. Professional Development

Networking - Build and maintain professional relationships. Join industry groups, attend networking events, and use platforms like LinkedIn.

Mentorship - Seek out mentors who can provide guidance and support in your career.

Skill Enhancement - Continuously improve your skills through training, certifications, or on-the-job learning.

6. Time Management

Prioritization - Learn to prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency.

Productivity Tools - Utilize tools and apps that help manage your time efficiently, such as calendars and to-do lists.

Work-Life Balance - Strive to balance professional responsibilities with personal life to maintain overall well-being.

7. Relationships and Social Connections

Family and Friends - Invest time in building and maintaining strong relationships with family and friends.

Community Involvement - Participate in community service or volunteer work to give back and build a sense of belonging.

8. Self-Reflection and Mindfulness

Journaling - Keep a journal to reflect on your thoughts, goals, and progress.

Mindfulness Practices - Engage in practices like meditation or deep-breathing exercises to stay grounded and focused.

Feedback - Seek constructive feedback from others to gain insights into areas for improvement.


Investing in yourself is a continuous process that requires dedication and effort. By focusing on these key areas, you can enhance your personal and professional life, achieve your goals, and ultimately lead a more fulfilling and successful life. Remember, the best investment you can make is in yourself!


JOIN THE MODERN WEALTHY All the above steps are covered within the programme.

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The Art of Looking After #1

Throughout my entire Army career, I was always told to look after #1, but there comes a caveat to this saying, in the Army you have the guy to your left and right, these are your Brothers, this is where selfless commitment, bravery and honesty come in to play, especially when you are on Tour or in a War time satiation.

Growing up as a youth I never got to hear those words, as most of the time my youth was spent outdoors, playing till the sun went down and the street lights came on, I never had any worries about looking after #1 because I was having too much fun.

As I get older, looking after #1 begins to surface, I just didn't understand the concept, even after I left school and started a job did I hear the phrase "You should always look after #1", told to me by my old boss, the day I left work to start my basic training.

Looking after #1 does not mean that you are a selfish person, as there are quite a few subjects that fall within the remit of looking after yourself. These include the following:

Appearance - I have always been quite self conscious about how I dress, the clothes I wear (especially on the golf course, my wife tells me I look like a pimp sometimes lol). Appearance can also have a huge impact in  your life, from attending your very first job interview to taking your new partner out on your first date, we are often judged by the clothes we wear, how we wear them and for some the price tag that comes with an item of clothing, some say that you can tell a lot about a man by the shoes he wears and how he takes care of them.



Hygiene - Personal hygiene is what it says on the tin, it is personal to yourself. I like to think that my personal hygiene is well above par, I take showers on a regular basis, especially after I have worked out in my mini gym, I keep my nails trimmed and I shave most days, after nearly 24 years of shaving every single day, I sort of relaxed on removing my facial hair and let my sideburns grow below my ears (my Sargent Major would have a fit if he saw me now). There can be issues that happen in your life that could prevent you from looking after your hygiene, illness, a disability, mental health or just pure laziness or poor living conditions, some of these can be excused, others cannot. Either way we owe it to ourselves to take care of our personal hygiene, after all we only have one skin and taking care of that is paramount.   


Health and Wellbeing - My health and wellbeing is, above everything, the most important thing in my life because at the end of the day it is my health that dictates my life span, pretty simple really, as much as we take care of our personal hygiene, it is even more essential that we take care of our health and wellbeing. Looking after #1, when health is concerned should be at the top of the list, we don't get a second chance at life so any kind of illness should be addressed as soon as possible, and I have always believed in prevention is better than cure. We have state of the art hospital facilities, an NHS that is envied by the world and medicines that can cure most, if not all the diseases found in the 21st century.

Mental health is becoming a major issue and not only affects the individual but can have a massive impact within a working environment, I have had first hand experience with regards to mental health, my father suffered from a mental breakdown, I was very young at the time and found it difficult to understand but as I have grown older I have come to understand that talking is the best medicine.   


Wealth - Wealth comes in many forms, not just monetary, we all dream about having more money than we could ever dream of, just think, never having the fear of losing your home because you already paid it of, never having to transfer money from one account to the next or even having to look at your bank balance. They say that money can't buy you happiness but having a huge amount certainly makes it easier or that money makes the world go round, never a true word spoken.

Some of us are born into money, that is no ones fault or that far too much money goes to talent, I'm talking about sports people, especially footballers.

I cannot comment on the topic of being rich, as I have never been in that situation, for most of us we work to make ends meet, we try to save so we can have the finer things in life but looking after #1, when it comes to money and wealth, is all about making sure you don't lose your home, keeping the car on the road, taking out all the necessary insurance that will cover you for any situation, having at least one holiday a year with the family.

Working in any kind of job isn't go to make you rich, I'm taking about the average person that works in a factory, a builder, trucker, a nurse and many other professions I could mention. You have to hustle, take risks, believe in yourself, work hard and smart, be committed, passionate and have the willingness to try new things that could change your life forever. Telling yourself that there has got to be something different out there is the first step to wanting to make a huge difference in your life.


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Our Doctors surgeries are worthless!

As much as it pains me to say this but the local Doctors surgery, and all that are employed within them are not worth the money they are paid to provide a service that has stretched as far back as the birth of the NHS.

I recently had to contact my local Doctors surgery, suffering from what I suspected was a chest infection, only to be told that the reception have the authority to grant an appointment with the Doctor once they know what your symptoms are, I'm sorry but these people are receptionist, they have no medical background or any kind of MD certificate hanging on the office wall.

I was suffering with pain and finding it difficult to breath, I could also feel that a high temperature was forming within my body and yet I was told that the earliest the Doctor would be able to see me would be next Thursday, I made the call on the Monday afternoon, after I woke from my sleep, sweating, in pain, coughing and shaking so violently that my joints were hurting, this would mean that I would have to wait 10 days to see the Doctor.

I was told by the front desk that the out of hours Doctor would be my best option, so I called the out of hours Doc, they oversee all the appointments within my area, nothing available until the following week, this was getting ridiculous, I called my firm to inform them that I would not be coming in that night, my boss totally understood and suggested that I go straight to A&E.

Now, I'm not one for hospitals, the last time I went to my local hospital was just before the pandemic outbreak, I again was suffering with chest pains, sweating, fever, high temperature, shortness of breath and still they could not find out what was wrong with me, later, the following year, COVID 19 and lockdown was implemented, so this time felt a lot different. My wife dropped me at the entrance to A&E, I walked to reception and looked around the crowded waiting room, it was a huge room, plenty of seats, all taken by people awaiting their name to be called, I was asked to complete an initial sign in form and then to take a seat in the waiting room.

I found a seat and waited for my name to be called, after about an hour my name was called, I was seen by a nurse, she took my temperature, my pulse, gave me 2 ibuprofen tablets, whilst typing what I was explaining about how I was feeling, I was then told to go back in the waiting area and a Doctor would see me shortly, 3 more hours passed and my name was called again, this time by the Doctor, once again I told him about my symptoms, he listened to my chest and informed me that I had quite a nasty chest infection, he filled out a prescription for powerful antibiotics and told me to start taking them as soon as I got the pills, I thanked the Doctor and called my wife to come pick me up, I got the pills that evening and went home to bed.

Now since the pandemic the local surgeries have become nearly impossible to get any kind of urgent appointment, the junior Doctors are once again threating strike action, why not flood the surgeries with junior Doctors and give them the same pay as the local Doctor gets, because I'm damn sure they will be worth the money they are paid and the time waiting would come down as a result.

My local surgery is an absolute joke, the reception staff think they are above everyone and they talk to you with no respect or regard to way you feel, there is a sign to say that there is zero tolerance for behaviour towards the medical staff, what about their attitude towards the patient of which there is zero patience, some things have to change, and pretty soon, as sooner or later someone will just lose it in the waiting room and the Police will have to be called to sort out the situation.

At the end of the day COVID is just another virus, yes a pretty nasty one but while I was at the hospital not one person asked if I had taken a COVID self test, it's as if the virus never existed, however the Doctors within the local surgeries still feel threatened by the virus and this is why it takes so long to get an appointment or to actually see a Doctor because they are using the virus as an excuse, let's get the junior Doctors in there, they just might make a difference to the whole NHS problem and giving them the pay they deserve will definitely make a huge difference, because the local GP is not worth the money they are paid.

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Our streets are becoming the new land fill!!!

I'm not saying that the local councils aren't doing a decent job, in fact I'd go as far to say that the council tax we all pay is worth the extra money we incur every single year...........that was sarcasm by the way.

I took these pictures whilst stuck in traffic, they were taken on the Wellington Road, near Birmingham, I must of only traveled about 100 mts, stop, start type of traffic, plus it was about 1:30pm, so afternoon traffic near any city, in any part of the country is a nightmare.

Now I'm not too sure how this stretch of the road looked like years ago and I would be amazed to see any comparison, but I'm quite sure it would not of looked like the pictures I took. Our streets in and around major cities in the country are becoming the new land fill, it's sad to say this but it is becoming a reality. I would go as far to say that they remind me of the streets in Iraq, I completed 2 Tours during my Army service, they are not that bad yet but if nothing is done, we will soon resemble the streets I used to see whilst traveling in an armoured Land Rover.

We as a nation have always been proud of who we are and were we come from but pride seems to have taken a back seat when it comes to keeping our streets clean, don't get me wrong, I have seen people out with large plastic bags collecting rubbish from the streets, trying to keep the patch they live in respectable, only to see the next week, the patch is right back to the way is was before, I admire these folk as they are trying to make a difference but it breaks my heart to see that their pride takes a bashing when they are out there repeating rubbish collection again and again.

I don't have a solution to the littering problem, as the problem lies with all of us, at some stage in our lives we have dropped the odd wrapper, for smokers it's butt ends and the youth of today think that because there is people out there that pick rubbish up for a living they are allowed to just drop rubbish anywhere, I witnessed a young kid on his bike polish off a bottle of juice and toss the empty bottle on the pavement, I said "mate why did you do that", he looked back, gave me some abuse and rode off, laughing and saying someone else can get it, I was visiting my father-in-law at the time, so I picked the bottle up and dropped it in the bin.

Please take a good look at the pictures, there's probably worse out there and I know for a fact there is, so if your reading this post, please, have a little pride and DON'T LITTER!!!!     


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