All about the greens

There is an art to reading greens, it usually starts from about 50 yards out, or if you're a Pro, the green layout booklet, showing the gradients, pin positions, hazards, sprinklers and so on.

We as amateurs do not get the luxury of a green layout book, perhaps a birdie book showing the hole layout and maybe a picture of the green, showing the undulations with direction arrows.

The most important action you must carry out prior to making any putt is to gauge the pace of the greens, this can only be done on the practice green, so take 5-10 mins getting used to the pace, drop a few balls on the green at different lengths and putt to the edge of the green. When the ball rests on the cut line of the fringe and green, you have the pace.

So here are a few helpful tips to reading greens:

  1. Always walk to the green with your head up, taking in all that you see, especially if the green has been cut that day showing the cut of the grain.

  2. Pace out the length of your putt before you mark the ball, take into account any slopes between your ball and the hole.

  3. Check that there as been very little traffic around the hole and on your line, if so repair.

  4. Clear any debris that may be on your line, this could take a while if you're looking at a long putt.

  5. Stand behind the ball and focus on a basic line.

  6. Crouch behind the ball and focus on the true line.

  7. If you have time (we as amateurs very seldom do this) take a look from behind the hole and both sides.

  8. Crouch behind the ball again and focus on a gate, 2 marks on your given line, that the ball will pass through before it starts to break.

  9. Make a good solid putt, ensuring the ball passes between the 2 marks on your line.

Reading greens is an art form, but when you master it and the pace of the greens, those 20 footers will seems like tap in's.

Also, depending on the time of day the grain could also play a massive part on the roll of the ball, NEVER FORGET THE GRAIN!


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