December 2024

Christmas & the New Year


So, as a Christian nation our values are tested nearly every single day, what with the United Kingdom being called a Muti-National country, we have to uphold our dignity, our proud and our moral fortitude to accommodate all the other religions within this Great Britain of ours.

Christmas for us Brits, is like the last day of The Open, the FA Cup final or the Grand National, they only ever happen one day of the year and they are British through and through.

So when Christmas comes, we embrace it, we cherish it, we protect it and we celebrate it, because it is a Christian British value that requires it.

Christmas is all about family, waking up at stupid O'clock (if you have young kids), watching them open the masses of presents under the Christmas tree as you stand there with sleep in your eyes and a pre made cup of tea in your hands, saying "Wow, that looks awesome" or "Yes, don't worry, I'll put the batteries in later and we can go outside and try it" or better still "Let me get my coat on and I'll stand outside and watch you ride your new bike"

No matter what, Christmas is for the kids, it's the one time of the year we get to truly spoil them, some kids more than others, have probably had a tough year through circumstances that are beyond their control, yet the day comes and their worries and fears dilute, they embrace Christmas day as if it's the greatest day of the year.

Now, I'm only talking about my own experience over the years, spent watching my children grow older each passing year, the excitement on their faces as the descend the stairs, straight to the piles of gifts separated for each child. This year will be our 30th year and my wife and I still see the same response from our kids as if it were the very first year.

It would be a crying shame to see all of this, love, laughter and joy just disappear just because certain people within the UK do not agree with our values, standards and identity as Christians.

We get but one day of the year to celebrate Christmas, whereas other religion's in the UK get many days to celebrate their religious holiday, we accommodate their wishes and allow them to celebrate, yet, when Christians celebrate Christmas, part of our rich culture, we offend those that do not celebrate Christmas.


New Year 2025 will soon be here, there has been quite a few changes to say the least. A new governing body is now in power, that plan to make changes for the better, however after only just over 4 month in power, they have gone against everything they said they would do.

The elderly have been let down, not once but twice, the heating allowance has been stopped and the WASPI woman have been lied to about their pensions, the budget was a total disaster, the working class are getting hit hard with taxes, the farmers Inheritance tax has been affected and the boats are still crossing the Channel.

The USA held their elections and Mr. DJ Trump came out on top, with a landslide victory, what has this to do with the UK? The US have always been our allies and now with talks of going back to the EU, the US will treat the UK with the same respect as the EU, tariffs will be put in place, leaving the working class tax payers to suffer high tax hikes.

I'm not too sure how 2025 is going to play, the new government as been classed as the worst governing body this country has seen since politics were formed, if the trend still continues we will be put back into the dark ages of the 1970's, with no growth and high inflation.

The Reform party are growing in strength, I think 2025 will be the year they actually take over the Labour party in members and popularity, this has got to be a good thing for the country, we cannot possibly go another 4 and bit years with this party and their agendas, they are destroying Great Britain, the people are not happy, something has to change.

What does 2025 hold for the rest of us, well I intend to join the Reform party for a start, I intend to concentrate more on my online business, create more content for my YouTube channel and build my websites to attract more costume. I also intend to work more on my golf to reduce my handicap, last year was good, I'm hoping 2025 will be better.

Whatever you all plan to do for 2025, I hope you all make a success in whatever endeavors you pursue.

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Golf lessons V’s YouTube video’s



So, what do you do about this whole golfing lark?

You tell a friend or close relative that you want to take up the game of golf and the first thing they say is "Get some lessons".

You tell a friend or close relative that you want to take up the game of golf and the first thing they say is "Brilliant, you should check so and so out on YouTube"

Straight away you have conflict with yourself, even before you swing a club, let alone purchase any golfing equipment. Now golf, for anyone that plays this great game, will tell you it is by far one of, if not, the hardest game to master.

There have been but a handful of Professional players that have truly mastered the game of golf, after all this has been their life and their living, so if you happen to get the chance to ask them did they ever take golf lessons, I can guarantee the answer would be "Yes".

All the top Professionals that play the game, all have a personal coach or a teaching Pro, even though they do sometimes change from one coach to another if there is a certain issue with their game.

The advantages of having golf lessons with a qualified instructor are as follows:

  1. You will get one on one tuition from a qualified golf instructor, with instant feedback.
  2. You will be charged for that slot, this could range from different prices.
  3. The timed slot could last from a 30 to a 45 minute lesson or up to an hour.
  4. On course lessons can also be given.
  5. Video analysis can also be given to track your progress.
  6. The instructor can literally get hands on with the student, putting them in the correct position.
  7. The instructor can also give advice on golfing equipment, fitting and repairs.
  8. The instructor can also teach etiquette, sportsmanship, patience, rules, dress codes and anything golf related.

There are some disadvantages to taking lessons:

  1. When you first start out learning all there is to know about the game, lessons can work out quite expensive.
  2. It could take you quite a long time to just learn the basics of the game, again, expense is an issue.
  3. You need to find the right qualified instructor, that aligns with your goals.
  4. You need to be consistent with your lessons.
  5. Stick with the same instructor, switching could cause confusion.

The advantages of watching YouTube instructional video's:

  1. They are more often than not FREE.
  2. You can subscribe to any channel and get the latest video direct to your phone, tablet or laptop.
  3. You don't need to book a lesson.
  4. No travel cost, if you have a large garden and a net you can practice there.
  5. There's plenty of YouTube golf instructors on the platform, you can watch one or more.
  6. There is no time limit to watching the video's, play the video over and over.

There are however some disadvantages to YouTube golfing video's:

  1. There is no interaction between the instructor and the person watching the video.
  2. There is no physical contact, to correct any errors.
  3. You must have a Wi-Fi or internet connection.
  4. There's so many golfing tuition video's on the platform that some may conflict or confuse, if you let them.

My personal advice would be to seek out a top golf teaching Pro in your area. Yes, you are looking at spending your money for a service, but it would be money well spent, especially if you are just starting out and you're serious about the game.

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