August 2024

My Modern Wealthy update Aug 24

Hello all,

This is just an update as to where I am on my journey with Modern Wealthy, you will get to find out a little bit about my life, my passion, my struggle with money and a couple of tips and hints to follow, if you want to pursue building an online business with Modern Wealthy.

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My Modern Wealthy update Aug 24 Read More »

Green Keeping – The Other Side of Golf – By Mr Jay Hanks


Don't get me wrong I absolutely love being a Green Keeper and I love my job though my day usually starts off by my alarm going off at 03:30 and me thinking oh God here we go again, dragging myself out of bed and drinking copious amounts of coffee to get me through the day.

There's a couple misconceptions that I can't stand, one being you have a real easy job cutting grass all day sat on your backside, I wish! Another being you finish at 13:00 you part timer... We can't all have a cushty 9-5 job... Mum!! I'm only joking, my families very supportive before I get told off after she reads this.

I have actually never been hit by a golf ball until recently (everyone found it hilarious) besides me obviously and once I did my dad said are you finally going to write this blog for me and here I am, yea I guess you can't truly be a green keeper unless you've been hit by a golf ball so yes. Completed mate!

My favourite aspect of the job is no question, that would be an early summer morning, no one around, hearing the birds sing and see the sun rising. I feel very lucky to experience that as much as I have and no matter how many times I experience it I'm always in awe.

Now onto my least favourite aspect of the job, sorry people but that would definitely have to be golfers, ironic isn't it. Not all golfers don't get me wrong, though a lot can really treat you like you're a piece of dirt. On the other hand we had a member here at Wishaw drop off some biscuits for our hard work, that gesture is truly appreciated! I mean donations are welcome I'll accept cash, bank transfer or even check I don't mind.

Green keeping isn't solely about just cutting grass. We have to have a good knowledge of mechanics, science, construction, maths for calibrating chemicals, tree surgery, positioning new holes, mowing the tee boxes and replacing the tee markers, the list is endless and getting asked on the daily "is it going to rain today" we have to be a weatherman, like "erm yes you have a slight chance of rain today, average cloud cover, humidity is at 12%"

It is also a very stressful and dangerous job. On a serious note the suicide rate amongst green keepers is high. Dealing with machinery that could easily severely injure or kill us, threats from golf balls, I've lost count of the injuries I've had over the years doing this job, a broken foot, chopped some of my finger off, and the overall physical toll it's had on my body.

Now don't get me wrong, we mow a lot of grass, in the summer 25 degrees, I'm mowing fairways, earphones in blasting music, in my own little world it's near perfection but flip it to the winter when I'm digging out trenches for drainage, absolutely freezing cold, covered in mud, body killing and I'm seriously questioning my existence.

There's a old saying "you must be mad, to be a green keeper" I don't know any sane green keepers so that must be true.

I don't think green keeping is something you grow up wanting to do, it's a job you kind of fall into, that's certainly what happened to me. My dad was helping out at Calderfields GC and asked if I wanted to come help the team out, that was 13 years ago and the rest is history as they say. So thank you dad for offering me that opportunity and setting me on my way to a career I adore.

Anyway thanks for reading you trucking golfers! I hope this gives you a different perspective on us and appreciate the hard work we do to make the golf course the very best it can be for you to enjoy and not just someone that's in the way as you stand there hands on hips waiting to take your shot!


Green Keeping – The Other Side of Golf – By Mr Jay Hanks Read More »

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